Saturday, February 27, 2016


Do anybody know something about frogs? As about my experiences it is a kind of delicious and very popular food in Asia.

1-Rinse the frog's legs and pat dry; set aside. In a large resealable bag, combine the saltine cracker crumbs, flour, cornmeal, onion, salt and pepper. Shake to mix. In a shallow bowl, whisk together eggs and milk.

Thursday, February 25, 2016


NEM is the most popular spices food of Cambodian. Every each of Nem containing a whole green chili inside to make it tasty and hot.

Nem can makes from fish (Nem fish) or pork (Nem pork). It depending on your favorite, you can choose what ever you want. 

The tasteful Nem, roll made of hashed fish meat wrapped and cooked in banana leaves, for your families, friends, or colleagues. NEM can be eaten as a snack or with rice according to one's interest. Some people who prefer eating NEM said NEM in Kratie is tastier than that in Battambang. Thus, let's see how NEM is made in Kratie province. 

NEM has been produced for sale as a family business. A family could make NEM with an average 500 per day and it costs 100 Riel per NEM. However, they could make more than that depending on the customers' demand. First, we have to ensure that all ingredients are ready to be used for making NEM.

The main element of NEM is fish meat; kind of fish depends on the fish availability and one's interest. The other ingredients are toasted rice, ginger, stargooseberry leaves, banana leaves, chilies, sugar, salt and seasoning.
The fish meat is shredded or crushed, and mixed with toasted rice, ginger, sugar, salt and seasoning. Hashed fish meat is rolled into small ones with chili slice and stargooseberry leaves. At last, they are wrapped in banana leaves and tied with wire. One day later, NEM is ready for eating.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


The traditional Cambodian food, which is a signature dish from Battambang province, is made from hashed fish meat wrapped in banana leaves.


Cambodians cherish those things as it is established in their history and society. Cambodians figured out how to eat every single conceivable wellspring of protein amid the Khmer Rouge administration, a shocking period in which they don't had anything to eat. Quick to this round: Cambodians still take these sorts of sustenances, not as an issue of survival but rather as a feature of its gastronomic convention, as an explorer you will discover them in road markets and you can attempt then pretty much as local people do. They are more mainstream in Siem Reap and in some cases you will discover them in Angkor Wat and many places in Cambodia.
 Snake can makes fresh foods or dry it. People can keep the dry snake for their spare foods for long periods of time.

The dry snake is very popular to the people.

Saturday, February 13, 2016


If you want to eat snake you can go to ask the vendor on the side for a grilled snake and you can enjoy it for $1 per snake. You will be served regular sized snakes, arranged beautifully on a stick. They are chewy in taste, much like the scrapings of an old tire. It test more than chicken. Believe me!!!


You can easily find these food everywhere in Cambodia. Frogs is very popular food for Cambodian. They can make variety of foods and the taste is very good.


Fried spider is a regional delicacy in Cambodia. In the Cambodian town of Skuon(Cheung Prey, Kampong Cham Province), the vending of fried spiders as a specialty snack is a popular attraction for tourists passing through this town. Spiders are also available elsewhere in Cambodia — in Phnom Penh for instance .

Friday, February 12, 2016


Eating Locusts & Grasshopper 

The famous grasshopper is known as an edible insect to many people.  This is often a first insect meal to people who have never eaten insects or bugs before.  They are eaten in substantial amounts, in south America, Africa, Asia and some parts of the Middle East. There are some species that change their behavior to swarm when populations increase, these are called locusts.  Grasshoppers cover the globe, so nearly everyone can harvest this edible insect.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Cockroaches: Some say that cockroaches taste just the way you’d expect them to: like dirt. But they can be very tasty if they have been fed the right diet of fruit and vegetables, in which case their flavor is like a mix of chicken and chips.


Eating Insects in Cambodia: Are You in the Mood for Crispy Crickets, Fried Spiders and Chili-Flavored Cockroaches

According to a UN report, insects could solve many of the world’s food and health problems, boost nutrition and – due to producing very little CO2 per kilogram – even reduce pollution. Insects are easy to farm, they require almost no space and barely any skill. They have more protein than meat and are cheap to breed. And maybe most importantly, insects don’t have to be fed grain, but can grow just fine on waste. Over 1900 species have been identified as human food and for 2 billion people around the world, they are already a very real part of their diet.